Tween Object Property
Smoothly transitions a property to another value over a set time. Connected blocks are ran after the tween is completed.
Available to
Object (Object)
You give the path to an object.
Property (String)
You give the block the name of a property.
Value (Any)
You give the block the new value you want to tween the property to. Make sure you are assigning the correct property type.
Time (Number)
The amount of time the tween takes in seconds.
EasingStyle (Choice)
You give the block the EasingStyle of the tween.
EasingDirection (Choice)
You give the block the EasingDirection of the tween.
RepeatCount (Number)
The number of times the tween repeats after tweening once.
Reverses (Bool)
Whether or not the tween does the reverse tween once the initial tween completes.
This block does not have any outputs.
Last updated